Sunday Escape Vol.7
Good evening Çuval lovers,
I'm happy to announce that Çuval Shop is back in business! For now we'll be open Thursday-Friday- Saturday - Mondayfrom 11AM to 6:30PM. We also take appointments so please do not hesitate contacting us through @cuvalistanbul
You can find me at the shop on Mondays and Fridays for sure as other days might have staff changes.
Today's #SUNDAYESCAPE will be mostly dedicated to #BLACKLIVESMATTER movement. Yes we do need to remind ourselves the freedom to live in equality over and over and get more educated on human rights to stick together.
Tribute tunes
Eat Out & Take Out
With that in mind, I have to tell you that I cannot wait to eat from Girandola. My favorite ice-cream shop located in our lovely neighborhood Arnavutköy.
with much love,