Sunday Escape vol.14
Our summer season is feeling brighter and energetic with updated colors and materials as
The Journey Summer.
As you can imagine, I have been traveling since the beginning of June that started with a sailing trip. I'm excited to share some pics from my travels and give you the highlights from
Çuval's World.
We've also been excited to add a new team member to Çuval Shop Arnavutköy .
If you visit us, and we hope you do, you'll be seeing new faces when I'm not around.
Otherwise, read on for more Çuval updates, enjoy your Sunday, and thank you as always for supporting & sharing your energy with us.
Picture taken above is from my house in Bodrum while I'm typing you your #SUNDAYESCAPE in the meantime :)
The Journey Summer collection including No. 201 Small Tote, No.301 Bootcut, No. 206 XXLarge is all now online!
Summer Board
Summer Pop-Up coming up at Khai Hotel Bodrum!
This beautiful Tulum inspired hotel located at Yahsi, Ortakent Bodrum will be hosting our new collection The Journey Summer throughout summer! If you come by don't forget to DM, I might be around and say hello :)
Sample / Archive Sale coming soon!
Black / Sky
One of a kind hand printed Kanji Print Series will be on Sale soon!
Follow @cuvalistanbul for details in the upcoming weeks, and check your inbox to get your access first!
A very short and basic must read for spiritual enlightenment. Written by Don Miguel Ruiz, a Mexican author of Toltec spiritualist and neoshamanistic.
Even if you read it let's remember ...
What are the Four Agreements?
1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don't take anything personally.
3. Don't make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.
Meet Asya!
Summer in the City
Check out @cins3000 's new work at @buyukdere35 in "onewall"exhibition until 31-07-2021.
Before switching off to summer version of No. 201 Small Tote, Black Truffle was matching my new Lar X Mehtap Elaidi dress :)
Guess Game
My next sharing will be with a new summer color, shoot me an email of your guess on what color I will be shooting on myself!
Winners might get a bonus %15 off on their next purchase! ;)
Enjoy the season!